February 2021 Tampa Bay Business and Wealth | The Sky’s The Limit
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Thrive Global - Harry Hedaya of Send it By Text: “Rapid COVID-19 Testing”
“Rapid testing will be key to making other passengers comfortable. Airlines will invest in rapid testing at check in to ensure all those onboard are tested prior to getting into the plane.”
Authority Magazine - Harry Hedaya of Send it By Text: The Future of Air Travel in The Post Covid World
“Try to always have a learning mindset and keep trying new things. The COVID pandemic has helped create an opportunity for pilots. It’s amazing how these opportunities will make you a better pilot and remind you why you started doing this in the first place.”
TBBW - SMS Can Help Your Business Go From Good to Great
“As a business leader, one of the ways you can begin to take your business from good to great is to take a good honest look at your business, from the outside in. While most leaders focus on looking at things from the inside out, they pay little or no attention to the opposite.”
TBBW - Hands On, Up in the Air and Remaining Grounded.
“To be an entrepreneur, it’s not that hard. What’s hard is dealing with the door in your face and the idea that you thought was so amazing, everyone else thinks is garbage. It’s the rejection. If you can live through that, and you actually have something to offer the world that is of value, you’ll be a successful entrepreneur.”
Authority Magazine - How We Plan To Rebuild In The Post COVID Economy
“The biggest challenge we faced was a sudden loss of freedom. With confusing (at best) guidance coming from leaders who have no playbook for a pandemic, trying to separate fact from fiction, and inconsistent rules applied to what we could and could not do, we had to formulate for ourselves what was the best path moving forward.”
Interview with Bit Bean - Operating a Business in Times of Uncertainty
“In business, you always have to be willing to embrace change and use change to your benefit instead of your downfall. Now is not the time to bury your head in the sand and pretend things will work themselves out. It is likely that they won’t workout as expected anytime soon. There is a winner and loser for everything and your ability to create opportunity out of adversity will have a huge impact on your future success.”
CEO Blog Nation - How to Use Digital Marketing in Your Business
“I am of the belief that reviews are by far the most useful tool available to digital marketers. We all know that when a consumer is looking for a product or service, they lean heavily on reviews from people just like them to decide on which company to ultimately use. At Send it By Text, we use a multi-channel digital marketing approach by creating a vanity URL that takes customers straight to leaving a review. We even deliver this custom URL via text message. Research continues to demonstrate that text is the most effective way to elicit a response from a lead or client. This combo makes it easy to get reviews from happy customers!”
Thrive Global - Why You Shouldn’t Get Sucked Into The 24 Hour News Cycle
“Build your ability to distill facts from hype and fiction. Don’t get sucked into the 24 hour news cycle. Their job is to sell advertising by keeping you hooked. Unfortunately, they play on our fears and insecurities to meet that end. Have a healthy respect for the situation and execute a plan that works.”